Friday 16 December 2011


Looking back at your preliminary task (school/college magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from that to your full product?

This is my preliminary college magazine which I called Bede Buzz. Considering I did this at the very beginning of the year without any help from my teacher or any further knowledge of the conventions of magazines, and I'm proud of my efforts.

However, compared to my final product, my preliminary task is made to look very amateurish.
I actually really liked the cover of my preliminary college magazine, and I feel that it has certain similarities to my end product. It has two articles at the bottom of the cover, and two at the top overlapping onto the main cover image. Obviously, I used the same model for both magazines, however they have a similar costume on. The colour scheme is also similar. Although they have these similarities, it is clear that I have taken much more consideration into the layout. By studying different magazines that are already on the market, I was able to gain knowledge of certain music magazine conventions, and ensure that I included them in mine.
Looking back on the contents page of my college magazine I can see that I had very little knowledge of magazines and how they should look when I create that. It is very simple and very basic, and comparing it to the likes of NME magazine it isn't a magazine contents page at all. It is obviously that I have definitely learnt my way around magazine conventions, and what is needed and expected of a magazine in order to give the reader as much information as possible. The contents page looks professional and actually has images on, unlike my college magazine's contents page which simply has 4 pages of content listed and nothing else.
One of the most striking things that is made known by comparing my preliminary task and my final product is my widened knowledge of new technology. I created the preliminary task in Microsoft Publisher, and hadn't even considered using Photoshop as my knowledge was very limited. However now I have created a successful series of documents using Photoshop which are all consistent and have a very professional feel to them.
Overall, I feel that I have made huge progress from my preliminary task to my final product, and I have used my resources and feedback from the first task to my advantage to achieve a good final product. 

Thursday 15 December 2011


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of construction this product?

In order to create my music magazine, THE DROP, I had to learn how to use certain technologies, and make use of pieces of kit that I already had. All of these things contributed to my end product of a cover, contents page and DPS for my magazine which had a professional appearance and engaging content. 

CAMERA - photography
One of the most important pieces of kit which aided the creation of my magazine was my camera. It is a Nikon Coolpix S3100, which is a 14.0 megapixel camera with a '5x Wide Optical Zoom'. This was the camera that I used to take all of the photos for my magazine.

Obviously, taking photos of myself wasn't ever going to be as easy as taking them of someone else, however using the settings that my camera had to offer this task was made considerably easier. I used the self timer option on my camera, and by doing this I could delay the photo from taking until 10 seconds after I pressed the button, giving me plenty of time to position myself ready for the photograph.

The other most important piece of kit in the creation of my magazine was the computer. This image shows my personal laptop which I keep at home, but obviously this wasn't the only computer I used to complete my magazine. The work which I completed in college was done on the standard PC that was available to me. Once I had taken any photos I needed to using my camera I then uploaded them to the computer using the SD card slot on the side of my laptop.

As well as using physical equipment to create my magazine, I also used the software on the computer in order to both edit and create my magazine. The main program that I used was Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.5 which was the edition which was accessible to be at college. At home on my laptop I have a different version of Photoshop however it was still compatible with the work I had done at college. I used Photoshop for two reasons: to edit the photos for my magazine, and also to create the actual documents.

Editing Photos
A lot of the photos that I took had background which I didn't want to be visible in my magazines, and therefore these images required cutting out. To do this I simply transferred these images from my 4GB SD card onto the computer and then saved them in a separate file. I opened them up into Photoshop and then I used techniques that I had learnt in my AS Graphics course which I have been taking along side AS Media. I already had a limited knowledge of Photoshop having played around with it at home and also used it on my work experience at a Graphic Design company whilst I was in Southmoor. I made use of three tools to cut out the images: Magic Wand, Quick Selection and Eraser as shown to the right.

This is the image which is on the cover of my magazine. I have included a 'before' and 'after' example of how I used Photoshop to both crop and edit a photo. I have completely removed the background and cropped the image considerably, as the legs and part of the skirt weren't needed on the cover. I have also used the sharpen tool to make my eyes a lot more prominent and slightly darker to enhance them. Other than that I haven't edited the image much because the look I was going for wasn't that of an over-edited glossy fashion/glamour magazine. This was the case for many of my other images throughout the pages, as I didn't want to falsely advertise perfect looking artists to a body-conscious audience.

Creating the Magazine
As well as editing photos on Photoshop I had to use it to create the actual magazine. This required a lot more skill and I had to make use of more tools in order to make the pages successful. I placed the images that I had edited into an A4 International Paper sized document and used tools such as Text and Shape to add boxes and my main bodies of text to the pages.

Using this blog has been the means with which I am presenting my planning, progress, finished work and evaluation, therefore it has played a key part in the whole process of making my magazine. By actually talking through each thing that has contributed to my magazine has helped me in the evaluation of my work, and has also helped me see what it was that I was doing wrong, in order to better my work and improve my grade.


How did you attract/address your audience?

One of the ways in which I attracted my target audience was with the cover model. I chose to use myself as this was more convenient for me and ensured I could get the look I wanted without having to involve anyone else. I feel that I don't have an oppressive appearance, and definitely one which would make the readers of my magazine jealous, or make them want to look like me. I wanted to use someone who was relatable, to bend the rules a little and use someone who is normal, and not plastic. I feel that this attracts the kind of audience I was aiming for, as they see a girl who they'd want to read about and hear her story, rather than seeing a robot on the front cover who would make them self conscious about their appearance.
As well as including an up+coming newer artist on the cover of THE DROP, I also wanted to incorporate artists who would be recognised by the readers. I included Tinie Tempah and Adele, both of which have been a huge influence in the music industry over the year and have had many hits with the public. These are my own photos which I took at concerts where I saw these artists. The use of famous and current artists will give the reader a sense of familiarity, instead of them seeing a new magazine which only caters for the unknown and unsigned.

On the contents page of my magazine I have made use of a small area by including a competition. Not only will the audience be entertained by the content and appearance of my magazine, but they will also be given a change to benefit themselves and win a competition. I have linked this competition to a spot in the text at the bottom of the page, to further plant the idea of winning into the reader's mind to ensure they enter the competition:

I then also included a mention of the competition's prize in my DPS. This was possible because the prize that comes with the competition is to see 'Lexy Laws' live and meet her in person, and because this artist was modelled by my friend Alex, it was possible to get an image of myself and her. I included this in the article about 'Ellen' as if they had been spotted partying in London together.

Speaking as a teenager, I know that when I have money, I want to spend it on things that I need, or that are worth while, and therefore I tend not to buy as many music albums as I used to. On the occasion that I want to buy some new music, I would much prefer to read some reviews about the album, and see what other people either my age or older think about it before I spend my money. I usually rely on NME magazine's 'Reviews' section to set me on the right path, and that's why I thought it would be necessary to include a 'Reviews' section in my magazine. When someone picks up my magazine and flicks to the contents page to see what will be included, they will find that there are a number of reviews which will inform them of which albums are rated highly by professional critics and whether or not to spend their money on them.

As previously mentioned, the audience that I was trying to attract was teenagers who are into Indie/Alternative music rather than generic pop music. In order to do this, I had to model my whole magazine on this genre, as this audience wouldn't be attracted to a bright pink magazine with a pretty pop girl posing on the front as they aren't as interested in that genre of music. I took inspiration from  NME magazine primarily; the newer covers which have been redesigned. To introduce these newly designed covers, NME issued a selection of 10 special edition covers which were the inspiration I needed. Their simple layout and sparse coverage caught my attention, and I really liked the way only one main colour was used, unlike Kerrang magazine which I find oppressive.

I haven't replicated these covers exactly, but I have only used one main colour on the cover of my magazine, although I have used a selection of different shades of this colour. Like NME, this opens up an opportunity to change the colour of each edition by either matching or contrasting this colour to the costume of the cover model. This simplicity of my cover won't over-face the reader, and will allow them to take it all in without finding the cover too full. This was one of my earlier set backs as one of the main points I received in the feedback from my class mates was that the cover was way too crammed, therefore by taking inspiration from NME, I have overcome that problem and impressed my audience.


Who would be the audience for your media product?
The two images above are an overall example of the target audience of my magazine, THE DROP. They are young people in their late teens, aging about 16+ and are both male and female. My magazine isn't specifically tailored to one gender, as I was aiming to create a magazine which would both attract and entertain ''teenagers/young adults'' as a whole, and not just cater for girls or boys. 

My magazine's audience are just starting to change things in their lives. They are starting to go out and are finding themselves, and music plays a huge role in their lives. I wanted to appeal to the population who like the chart music, but who also look deeper into the more underrated artists and genres. I know that my iTunes is a huge jumble of different artists and genres, and that no one can be fully committed to one singer or band.

Due to their age, these teens would still be in full time education either in a secondary school or a college/sixth form, unless they haven't chosen to carry on their education. Because of this, they probably look forward to the weekend a lot, and would typically attend local gigs, events in bars or house parties. Their overall taste would be quite mainstream - with the girls following the latest fashions and the boys wearing whatever it is to keep them up to date, however all of them adding their own personal twist and style. Appearance is such a key thing for the audience of my magazine, and is something they take pride in, rather than trying to become what they see on the cover of a superficial fashion magazine. I wanted to give my magazine a more relaxed aspect, still on trend a current, but not putting pressure onto my audience to look/dress/act a certain way like many magazines advertise.

When my audience actually has money, they would probably spend it on clothes for the girls, make-up. This is me speaking for my friends and I, knowing exactly how teenagers waste their money as quickly as they get it. One of the things which my audience would buy would be a magazine of some sort. This could be a music magazine, or more typically a fashion magazine for the female percentage of my audience. That is why I wanted to create a music magazine with a fashion twist: a magazine that my audience could rely on to be filled with the things they are most interested in. The price of my magazine was also another aspect which I knew would appeal to my audience. This is because it is priced at £1.99, a very reasonable price, and one which I think teenagers wouldn't begrudge paying for a decent magazine.

Some examples of music that my audience may listen to are listed below along with their relevant music video:

Two Door Cinema Club - Something Good Can Work

Marina And The Diamonds - Radioactive

You Me At Six - Bite My Tongue
Deaf Havana - I'm A Bore, Mostly

I think that my audience are very likely to buy my magazine, as music is a huge part of their lives, and from personal experience, many teenagers can play an instrument and attempt to create their own music. I therefore feel that the content of my magazine is ''right up their street'', and that they would definitely create room in their budget for THE DROP.


What kind of media institute might distribute your media product and why?

As NME magazine has been the most inspirational magazine in the process of creating my own, I looked into it's publisher. I found that it is IPC Media, a company who produce over 60 media brands inlcuding other magazines such as Marie Clare, Look, Now and many more.

Another publisher that I looked into was Bauer Media, which I found publishes a huge amount of popular magazines of all different genres. These inlcude women's magazines such as Closer, heat, GRAZIA and more!. Then there are the men's magazines, both entertainment and lifestyle: Empire, Kerrang!, Q and FHM.

When I think of what I consider to be the most popular magazines, they all seem to fall under these two publishers, and therefore I believe that either of these would be willing to distribute my magazine. These companies obviously know how to successfully promote and sell products, and have supported many of the most read magazines in the country today, making them a clear asset to have when looking to distribute a magazine.

Although they already house a lot of magazines already, the amount that they publish shows that numbers aren't necessarily a factor, and neither are similarities in the magazines. My magazine may have a few similarities to the likes of NME and Kerrang!, however I have tried to make it as unique as possible. I didn't want to create a magazine that was only about music, I wanted to fuse a few genres together to create a hybrid of fashion, film and celebrity gossip that all revolve around the main music concept. For example, the main article may be about a new three piece band who have stormed the charts, who tell my magazine's interviewer about their troubled past, paired with a sub article showcasing their signature clothing style. I feel that this is exactly what the magazine industry needs; something new and fresh to attract the audience which are over looked and not considered important.

Taking this into consideration, if either of these companies were to see my magazine and notice how unique it is, they would hopefully publish it alongside their existing magazines. I don't see it as competition for any of the current music magazines as it is attracting an audience who haven't really been catered for, and therefore won't have any effect on current sales, eliminating one of the reasons a publisher may turn my magazine down.

Once magazines have gained a publisher, there are many ways in which the actual product can be distributed. The main one of these for a magazine being in stores such as local newsagents and supermarkets. Depending on the type of magazine, they can be given away free in their relevant stores such as ASDA magazine which is simply given away in order to advertise certain deals available in the store. However as my magazine is a music magazine and isn't made along side a radio station like Kerrang!, it needs to be sold in mainstream supermarkets and newsagents.

Another form of distribution which has only come about in the past few years is magazines in the form of Apps. For example, NME have an iPod/iPhone app that can be bought through Apple. Having an app would broaden the audience of my magazine, and would also gain readers. The NME app is only 69p to buy, and requires no further payments. This is a very small price compared to many other apps, and therefore I think that it is frequently bought and used, with iPhones being one of the most popular phones to have around the world. If I was to have an app I believe that once purchased, it would give the buyer a taste of the magazine, and would hopefully persuade them to go out and buy the real thing.


How does your media product represent particular social groups?
NME is the magazine which I took most of my inspiration from, as it had the look I was going for, is a music magazine and is also of the same genre which I was aiming to achieve. Above I have chose three covers of NME magazine featuring female solo artists quite like Ellen who is featured in my magazine. The cover featuring the artist Rihanna is similar to my cover image as regards to the model's pose; and on the hip and edging forward slightly. Although this pose may be similar, the image on the NME cover is slightly harsher than mine, and the body looks contorted rather than in that pose naturally. My cover is portraying a happy, smiling girl who is leaning forward naturally as if she was laughing. I feel that this represents a young female social group, one who may not be huge fans of the pop music industry, but who still want someone who they can look up to within their genre. I feel that the cover is quiet arrogant and stand-off-ish, whereas my cover image is welcoming and gives groups of young girls someone to notice, and want to read about, and not just because they are a celebrity like Rihanna. The facial expressions are quite solemn on all of the NME cover, and very reserved, compared to the model on the cover of my magazine, who could be referred to as a stereotypical ''super smiler''.

The costumes which the artists wear on the cover of NME are always very unusual, and are tailored to the artist's taste and reputation. They are wacky and totally unlike what any normal person would wear, which can attract readers but also put them off. My cover model is dressed in a plain grey jumper, and has no crazy props or anything else to distract the reader. This may not be the most attractive image however it portrays a normal girl, who just happens to have a talent and has finally made it into the music industry. This girl isn't trying to be something outlandish, and isn't parading around with a vulture on her shoulder, and is therefore winning the readers simply by her normality. I wanted to attract an audience of young people who shouldn't be bothered about living up to the expectations of mainstream media, and should wear what they like and not have to play up to get noticed.


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Well, the title of my magazine is shown in the top left hand corner of the image about, and is called 'THE DROP'. To a certain percentage of readers the meaning behind this title would be unknown, however to my target audience it is well known. This is because it is the explaination of a certain point in many songs where the music reaches a crescendo or fades out into silence, then the music starts up again suddenly, hence the phrase 'the drop'. This title is short and snappy, making it easy for the reader to process and understand. It is situated at the top of the front cover and is the width of the page. This is very typical of most magazines such as Kerrang and LOOK, and acts as a hook to draw in the reader. This works by attracting their eye to the boldest part of the magazine: the title, then this leads their eye down the whole cover, enabling them to take in all of the information without losing interest.

The cover model of my magazine is actually myself, as it was much easier to take photos of myself for the cover, contents and DPS. I could achieve exactly what I wanted without having to direct another model, therefore achieving the best outcome possible. Typically, on the front cover of any magazine, the model featured in the main image would be dressed in something flashy, indication wealth and fame, however on the cover of my magazine the model is wearing a simple grey jumper. This is because I wanted her to appear relaxed and normal, to tie in with the article in the DPS. Because of this the main image on my cover isn't very conventional, compared to the outfits which appear on the cover of most fashion and music magazines, however I can justify this choice because of both my target audience and the message I want to send to the readers.

The font that I have used for my masthead is called Bebas Neue and is from I wanted to ensure that the font was plain and readable, with no fancy flicks or swirls. Plain fonts are key to the masthead of a magazine, as they ensure that the reader can recognise the name of the magazine straight away, without having to concentrate on deciphering a complicated font. Another font which I have used is called Lead, and was also fount on DaFont. It is the font which I have used for the title of my DPS saying 'SWEET SUCCESS'. This font isn't typically girly or pretty, and fits in well with my genre and mood of the magazine. It has quite a bit of detail on and therefore doesn't follow the conventions of a typical article title, however it is relevant to the article and the magazine's genre.

Another typical convention of most magazines is to have the words 'this week' feature somewhere on the contents page. This occurs in both fashion and music magazines, such as LOOK and NME.


I chose to incorporate this into my contents page because it made it look more realistic as a magazine, and because it makes the intentions of the page clear: to tell you what is in this week's issue of THE DROP.

There are a few indications of the genre of my magazine throughout the cover, contents and DPS. An example of this is on the cover, in the short explanatory sentence underneath the main sell line. It reads "Britain's newest edition to the Alternative world...", therefore indicating at a genre. Because the genre of the featured artists is Alternative, this suggests that the whole magazine will be based around this genre. This knowledge helps the reader decide whether or not they will be interested by the content, and whether or not to buy it. Another suggestion of genre is in the DPS article, which mentions an Indie Rock guru. Because this other genre is similar to the first, the reader can now begin to appreciate that the magazine has a specific genre, which could lead to the magazine's reputation.

One of the sections on the above image shows the bottom section of my contents page. It is the part of the page which informs the reader of the most important parts of the magazine, what they feature and where to find them. Like many magazine contents pages, mine has been split up into four sections, each with a heading; News, Reviews, Up + Coming and Features. This is very similar to the printscreen to the right, which I have taken from an issue of Kerrang. All issues follow this layout for the contents information, therefore making my use of this method conventional to not only magazines in general, but also to music magazines of the same or a similar genre.

Thursday 24 November 2011

DPS Flat Plan and Rationale

Colour Usage - The main colours used my double page spread are prominently black and grey. This may sound quite unappealing however it matches the rest of my magazine and keeps up with the house style. I have also included an image of a vintage-style globe, which has understated colours which I plan to incorporate into the article. I have used purple as a highlighter colour on my cover and contents page, however I felt it was becoming quite over powering so I decided not to use it on the double page spread.

Image Usage - I am planning to use a lot of related images on my DPS, because the article is about one person, therefore the images should make this obvious. The images will be of me in suitable costume that is relevant to the article and the genre of magazine. These images will either be kept in their original state or will be cut out with the backgrounds removed to make the most of the space that I have left once the text has been put on. One of these images will be the largest on the page, and will be situated directly underneath the title to draw the reader's eye straight to it. The image will be different than the one on the cover and will show the singer in a much more relaxed atmosphere.

Text Usage - The title at the top of the page will be in a new font that hasnt appeared on the magazine yet. This font is called 'Lead' which I found on It suits the genre of magazine and also the artist that the article is advertising. I will then inlcude a short sentence to follow on from the title, introducing the artist and setting the tone for the article. The beginning of the article will be marked by a drop cap in the same font as the title to make it much more realistic as a magazine article. The actual body of writing will be an introduction to the artist and her early career, followed by a Q&A from the interviewer to the artist herself. This will be written very causally and won't have a very formal atmosphere in order to portray the artist as a laid back teenager - with a talent.

Layout and Font - For the layout of my DPS, I decided to start with the positioning of the title. This is in the top left hand corner of the two pages, as this is where the reader's eye is naturally drawn to when flicking through a magazine as it is where the writing starts in a book. From there I then placed the main image of the artist underneath, sat on a globe to tie in with the slogan that she is "taking the world by storm". This ensures that the reader's eye is drawn from the title, down to the image and then onto the article itself. Because it is a main article, I have to include a considerable amount of text, however I don't want the article to become too crammed with text as the reader would probably lose interest. Therefore I have tried to create a balance between the amount of text and the amount of images on the page to keep it both attractive and interesting at the same time to ensure readers are entertained by the article.

Friday 18 November 2011

Contents Page draft #1

This is the first draft of the contents page of my magazine, THE DROP.

I was really pleased with how it turned out in the end, because I had some problems with images and layout but everything came together well. I feel that it matches my cover, giving my magazine consistency and a clear, recognisable house style.

Contents Page Images


ADELE - This is an image I took when I went to see Adele. To make it into a circle shape I used the stamp tool to get rid of the microphones and cameras. I then used the rubber tool to rub out most of the image and make a faded circle shape around the silhouette

LEXY LAWS - This is an image of my friend Alex who is featuring in my magazine. To make the image look more professional I decided to cut out the background as it shows a house, so I used the magic wand tool and the rubber tool.


TINIE TEMPAH - This, like the image of Adele, was one I took at a gig. I really liked this image but there were a few items obstructing the image. For example, there were two hands in the way which I needed to get rid of. I used the stamp tool to replicate certain areas of the image and repeat them. I also had to cut out and duplicate one of the bursts of fire because it was originally covered by one of the hands

Monday 31 October 2011

Contents Page Flat Plan and Rationale

This is the flat plan for the contents page of my magazine, 'THE DROP'.

Colour Usage - The main colours used on the contents page of my magazine are black, grey and purple like on the cover. The continued use of these colours gives the magazine consistency and also gives it a clear house style. The shade of purple which I have used isn't too feminine and therefore doesn't put the male population off buying my magazine. The way in which purple is the main colour leaves the option to change this colour each issue by simply replacing every purple item with the same in another colour. This is use of one bright colour is a lot like Q magazine, which I took inspiration from as regards to where to use the purple. I have used it as a highlighter to draw the reader's eye to certain aspects of the page, to ensure the most important things are definitely read.

Image Usage - I am planning to use a variety of images on my contents page to make it attractive and eye catching. Most of these images will be kept in their original state however I plan to cut some out and remove their background to make them interesting and make the most of the space. This will give some variation from the standard straight edged images that I will include a few of at the top of the page. One of these images will be the largest on the page, and will depict the cover model and featured artist 'Ellen'. The image will be different than the one on the cover and will show the singer in a much more relaxed atmosphere. I want her to have very relaxed body language, so it doesn't look like a contrived 'super-smiler' cover image like many pop/fashion orientated magazines include. This will set the tone of the main article and will give the reader an insight into the singer's personality instead of their public appearance in posed photographs or paparazzi snaps. I plan to use props for this relaxed image, to make it seem more fun and young, which will illustrate the singer's age and care-free attitude to life.

Text Usage - All of the text on the contents page will be either the title of the article or a short, snappy sentence describing what the article is about and who features in it. These will all be used as hooks of some sort to draw the reader in and entice them to take note of the page number and in order to read the article. I am including the masthead from the front cover of the magazine on the contents page to introduce what the page is about and form part of the title. The title all together will read 'THE DROP this week', letting the reader know that this page tells them what is in the magazine, without just having 'Contents' at the top of the page. By using small text boxes underneath each image I include, I am using anchorage to attach meaning to the images, instead of them simply being images which the reader knows nothing about.

Layout and Font - I took inspiration from the contents pages of LOOK magazine and NME magazine in order to design a layout for my contents page. I really admired the way in which these magazines find a good balance between text and images and make the most of the room that they have. Neither of the inspirational contents pages were too crowded, which was something I had to be careful of as my front cover (first draft) was very crowded. Therefore I made a clear partition of images and text through the middle of the page, with the exception of a few cut out images. This ensured that the reader's eyes were attracted to the large images at the top of the page, and then their eyes were drawn down to the text with the help of smaller, cut out images alongside the text. I have separated the contents into four categories which are arranged into a square, these are: News, Reviews, Up + Coming and Features. This makes the layout of all of contents much more manageable for the reader to take in and makes it clearer which articles include which content.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Inspirational Contents Pages...

LOOK magazine

I really like the contents pages that are featured in every issue of LOOK magazine, and this is an example of one.

Although this is the contents page of a fashion magazine, it is one that I read frequently, and one that I feel has a really effective layout. I like the layout because it's very quirky and interesting without being overpowering. I especially like the way that the images are presented: they have been overlapped, rotated on a slant, and have even been chopped off the side of the page. Each image includes a small text box giving a short indication of what the image is showing/advertising. This is really effective, as it tells the reader what the article is about, and gives them an image to attract them as well as text. I also like the fonts that have been used. Fonts are something which I have to be careful with as the feedback I received for my front cover mentioned that I had used too many different fonts, therefore this contents page is inspirational to me as it shows how I can reduce fonts and still make it attractive. Another aspect of this contents page is the thick black boxes that surround the sub headings to make them stand out. This makes it clear to the reader which articles come under which category, and draw their eye to the more important content.

NME magazine

This is the contents page of a newer issue of NME magazine. Compared to the older issues of the magazine, this new contents page layout is much more effective and I find it a lot more appealing.

I really like the layout in general; the way that there is a large main image below the main heading of the page, which is accompanied by a quote instead of simply naming the article or the band that it's about. This adds intrigue for the readers, and ensures that they are curious enough to read the quote and study the image, which hopefully leads to a sale of the magazine so they can read the full article. I also like how although there is a lot of content, the page doesn't look crammed or packed too full. This is something I have to be careful of on my magazine, as I feel I put too much on my front cover and made it over powering. Another thing which aids the reader on the contents page is the way that large numbers have been attached to the bottom right hand corner of each large image to tell the reader which page each article is on. This is definitely something that I want to include on the contents page of my music magazine, because as a reader, I find this both helpful and attractive.

Q magazine

The contents page of Q magazine is very plain, and only includes one large image of the main feature band (probably the band which were on the front cover), with the rest of the page being filled by text. However I really like the band across the top of the page with the magazine masthead and the heading of the page, the date and the issue. Another thing which I like about this contents page is the way in which the magazine's main colour has been used. The colour red is one of the things which attracts the readers eye to Q magazine as the masthead is large and bright red, therefore the way it has been carried on as a subtle 'highlighter' colour on the contents page is very effective. It highlights the subheadings and the page number of each featured article, as well as being used to highlight certain words on the page which the magazine wants to draw the reader's eye to. The main colour of my magazine is purple, and would therefore work well in the same way as red has been used, which is something I'm considering using.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Cover draft #1 / 2

draft #1
This is the first draft of my magazine's front cover. After finding my cover image and trying it out I decided that an image of one person would work much better than an image of two people. I therefore cropped photo down to just Ellen, and used her name as the main sell line.

The colour scheme of the cover is prominently grey and purple, with purple being used to highlight key parts of the magazine which I want the reader to be drawn to. I put the cover model's head behind the name of the magazine as it covered too much of the masthead for it to still be recognisable.

draft #2
After receiving feedback from my classmates and teacher I decided to change a lot on the cover of my magazine. Although I really liked how the main image looked, I wanted to change the cover model, because I wasn't able to get any other photos of her for my Contents Page or DPS. I also made the mistake of forgetting to include a bar code or the price on the first draft of my cover therefore I had those to add to my second draft. I decided that I didn't like the Ellie Goulding section so I replaced it with my friend Hanni who I had easy access to to take photos.

Cover Image Improvements

This is the original image of me and my friend Ellen which I was going to use on the front cover of my magazine. I chose it because of its layout, the way Ellen appears in the foreground and me slightly behind her in the background like a two piece band such as Kasabian on the cover of NME.

There were aspects of the image that I didn't want to have on the front cover such as the person in the corner and the classroom background, so I had to cut it out. This is the final image that I decided to feature on the cover of my magazine.

When I started to choose a layout for my magazine, I found that the image of two people wasn't working as effectively as an image of one person would. I therefore decided to crop myself out of the image and just used Ellen and the cover model for my magazine. This worked much better and made for a much more structured layout.