Thursday 24 November 2011

DPS Flat Plan and Rationale

Colour Usage - The main colours used my double page spread are prominently black and grey. This may sound quite unappealing however it matches the rest of my magazine and keeps up with the house style. I have also included an image of a vintage-style globe, which has understated colours which I plan to incorporate into the article. I have used purple as a highlighter colour on my cover and contents page, however I felt it was becoming quite over powering so I decided not to use it on the double page spread.

Image Usage - I am planning to use a lot of related images on my DPS, because the article is about one person, therefore the images should make this obvious. The images will be of me in suitable costume that is relevant to the article and the genre of magazine. These images will either be kept in their original state or will be cut out with the backgrounds removed to make the most of the space that I have left once the text has been put on. One of these images will be the largest on the page, and will be situated directly underneath the title to draw the reader's eye straight to it. The image will be different than the one on the cover and will show the singer in a much more relaxed atmosphere.

Text Usage - The title at the top of the page will be in a new font that hasnt appeared on the magazine yet. This font is called 'Lead' which I found on It suits the genre of magazine and also the artist that the article is advertising. I will then inlcude a short sentence to follow on from the title, introducing the artist and setting the tone for the article. The beginning of the article will be marked by a drop cap in the same font as the title to make it much more realistic as a magazine article. The actual body of writing will be an introduction to the artist and her early career, followed by a Q&A from the interviewer to the artist herself. This will be written very causally and won't have a very formal atmosphere in order to portray the artist as a laid back teenager - with a talent.

Layout and Font - For the layout of my DPS, I decided to start with the positioning of the title. This is in the top left hand corner of the two pages, as this is where the reader's eye is naturally drawn to when flicking through a magazine as it is where the writing starts in a book. From there I then placed the main image of the artist underneath, sat on a globe to tie in with the slogan that she is "taking the world by storm". This ensures that the reader's eye is drawn from the title, down to the image and then onto the article itself. Because it is a main article, I have to include a considerable amount of text, however I don't want the article to become too crammed with text as the reader would probably lose interest. Therefore I have tried to create a balance between the amount of text and the amount of images on the page to keep it both attractive and interesting at the same time to ensure readers are entertained by the article.

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