Wednesday 5 October 2011

'THE DROP' magazine flat plan

This is the flat plan for my music magazine. I have called it 'The Drop', which I think is relevant and interesting, and isn't like any of the other music magazines on the market. It isn't too long, and isn't generic like a three letter abbreviation copying off the NME.

The main image which I chose to use was an image of me and my friend Ellen, as I thought we looked a lot like a two piece band. To appear alongside this main image I drew the main sell-line which was simply the band's name, along with ''Introducing...'' and a sort of sticker with a rating on from another music magazine.

I also included some sub sell-lines at the bottom of the page, however I wasn't pleased with these as they looked 'stuck on' and didn't contain any images. However, overall I am pleased with my flat plan, as it helped me get a general layout for my music magazine, for example where the masthead would be placed and whether or not the image would overlap.

1 comment:

  1. Love this flat plan, on a shelf it would really jump out with the way the image is posed. The sell lines at the bottom look great and should work, my only second thought is that they might eat into the image space a little too much. WIth the endorsement of the NME - this is a great idea but I'd recommend maybe swapping the NME for a music award endorsement, possibly? Or a fictional music review show? I love the idea - just it's something we don't see - magazines using endorsements from other magazines - but if this is what you really wnated to do as long as you justify why then that is fine.
